Does coaching really work?

Well, obviously, I am slightly biased on the subject of sexuality coaching but 100%, YES, YES, YES, it absolutely can transform your life sexually. One’s sexuality affects EVERY aspect of their lives and if we are not satisfied in this area or are struggling sexually, it filters out into all areas of our everyday life.

Some of the apprehension comes from not knowing exactly what a Sexologist does, so I thought explaining what I do might make things easier to digest.

A sexologist is someone who helps clients with their sex life and their relationship life so that you can increase your sexual confidence, fill in any gaps that one may have in their sexuality education, and be more powerful as a sexual being. 

Clinical sexologists deal with sex head-on without any blame, shame, or negative judgment. In this safe environment, clients can feel more at ease to open up and share the things that may be uncomfortable or hard to talk about and work towards pleasure and fulfillment. I work with clients who are single and also couples that are in relationships.

Shauna Harris